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Motivational Mixing Fix

Background: Training physicians to provide effective behavior change counseling using approaches such as motivational communication (MC) is an important aspect of noncommunicable chronic disease prevention and management. However, existing evaluation tools for MC skills are complex, invasive, time consuming, and impractical for use within the medical context.

Motivational mixing

A mixed methods design was used to identify factors associated with motivational engagement in video gaming. Self-report instruments were administered to 189 video game players to assess goal orientations, affect, need for cognition, and perceptions of engagement and flow. Simultaneously, a sub-set of 25 participants were interviewed and results analyzed to identify patterns that influenced their propensity for gaming. Regression results revealed motivational engagement for gaming was related to gender, hours of play, task orientation, and socialization. Players indicated that gaming was socially captivating, fun, challenging but relaxing, and precipitated positive affect and cognition even when unsuccessful results were achieved. The negative consequences normally associated with task failure were not reported by participants to take place during gaming. We concluded transfer of motivational engagement in gaming for entertainment to educational contexts was unlikely to occur.

Even before Scripting Addiction was published in 2010, Carr had begun investigating a method that avoids the problems she saw in mainstream American addiction treatment. Called motivational interviewing (MI), the approach radically reworks the long-held presumption that addiction is a disease of denial, and it emphasizes listening, empathy, collaboration and affirmation on the part of the clinician.

Mindfulness-Based Sobriety is not thefirst or only attempt tomarry the many therapeutictechniques that arechanging substance abusetherapy. Practitionershave built interventionsthat mix motivational interviewing, CBTand a wide array of treatments, includingpsychophysiological feedback, communityreinforcement approach and alcohol behavioralcouples therapy. In fact, a survey ofthe field finds that use of MI in conjunctionwith other interventions has becomemore common than use of MI alone.

William Miller, the founder of motivational interviewing, will deliver the 2014 Ruth Knee Lecture on Spirituality and Social Work on Thursday, July 17 at SSA. For details, visit -knee-lecture.

Makerspaces have not been the focus of education research despite its rising popularity. Because our particular research context focused on a design-based makerspace program, with design stages similar to other DBL programs, we examined the DBL literature base to discern the learning and motivational processes that may have been present in our context.

To answer the first research question regarding self-efficacy change, piecewise, two-level growth models of self-efficacy were fitted within the hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) framework, with time specified at level 1 and student at level 2. This specification accounted for residual correlations and heteroskedasticity resulting from intra-individual nesting effects (Raudenbush and Bryk 2002). It addressed the expectation that motivation variables measured from the same student over time will be more similar to one another compared to those of other students. In addition, due to the nature of this specific makerspace context, heteroskedasticity may also be present for students in the same makerspace class because students in each class shared resources and attended makerspace class during the same time of the day. These similarities are expected to translate to more similar trends in the motivational variables measured. To account for this pattern, the specified models allowed residual variance to differ between classes (Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal 2012). Specifically, an independent correlation structure was specified, resulting in the estimation of separate variance parameters for each makerspace class.

Self-care in diabetes related foot disease (DFD) is challenging and contributes to poor outcomes. Motivational Interviewing (MI) can engage people in self-care and modifying it by integrating imagery may further improve its outcomes. No previous studies have trained podiatrists in using MI to address DFD self-care. This was the first study on training podiatrists to conduct imagery-based motivational interviewing (MI) when treating people with DFD, and to examine impacts on MI related skills, job satisfaction and subjective experiences in a mixed-methods pilot study.

No substantial use of FIT Skills was evident in recordings, with only one podiatrist attempting to use motivational imagery after the training (by asking a patient to imagine what it would be like to have no foot ulcer). Accordingly, detailed results on the FIT-QC are not reported.

From Cara of Underwood Letterpress: Your wedding invitation sets the tone for your special event. The vintage postage on these envelopes takes first impressions to the next level by mixing genre, color and technique. Here are a few tips for ways to turn your outer envelope in to a piece of art that will leave a lasting impression!

Mix Your MediumsTry mixing techniques on your envelopes with this beautiful watercolor calligraphy design. The watercolor adds a whimsical touch while the modern address provides the perfect amount of juxtaposition.

But as a felon and former drug user who appeared to have cleaned up his life by becoming a motivational speaker, Russell Simon Jr. had the credibility and tough-talking demeanor that grabbed the attention of thousands of teenagers across the country.

"Whether he believed in what he was saying or not, I don't know," Isanti County Attorney Jeff Edblad said of Simon's motivational work. "But his behavior is very different from what's on his website."

Wendy Wild, a school social worker in the Twin Cities who has known Simon for about a dozen years and who booked him for motivational talks, said he never held steady work, toiling instead at low-paying jobs after his release from prison in 1993. But she said he was later fired for not disclosing his criminal record. In 1994, he turned to public speaking.

It's possible to experience to have conflicting desires, such as wanting to change your behavior, but also thinking that you're not ready to change your behavior. The motivational interviewing approach holds that resolving this ambivalence can increase a person's motivation to change.

A number of prior studies has examined the differences between CommonsDilemma Games and Public Goods Dilemma Games (e.g., Au & Budescu, 1999; DeDreu & McCusker, 1997; McCarter, Budescu & Scheffran, 2011; Poppe &Zwikker, 1996; Rutte et al., 1987; Van Dijk & Wilke, 1995, 2000). Most ofthis previous work has focused on when, and how, choice behavior altersif a game with the same payoff structure is framed as either a take-some ora give-some game. Yet, surprisingly little research has investigated howtaking or giving impacts the motivational structure that underlies thesegames. Do both games capture the same motivational conflict? Or does thenature of their decisions alter how influential selfish and prosocialmotives are? To illuminate these questions, the present research examinesthe motivational differences between take-some and give-some games.

Why might people make more consistent decisions in different versions ofthe same mixed-motive game than across different games? In response to thisquestion, we suggest that games that involve taking and games that involvegiving might be differently affected by proself and prosocial motives, thusundermining behavioral consistency across these two types of games. Morespecifically, we argue that, although each mixed-motive game brings theconflict between selfish interests and concern for others to the fore, therelative weight of these two conflicting motivational dimensions (proselfand prosocial) might actually differ across different games. That is, insome games, behavior might be more strongly driven by the proselfdimension; whereas in other games, behavior might be more strongly drivenby the prosocial dimension. This reasoning is in line with the slot-machinemodel of interpersonal orientation of Van Lange, De Cremer, Van Vugt andVan Dijk (2007), which assumes that situational differences can alter theweight that people assign to their own interests and the interests ofothers.

The online survey measured individual differences in the followingmotivational traits: Fairness, altruism, social welfare concerns, concernfor others, greed, competitiveness, entitlement, fear, and risk aversion.It was administered one week after the experimental session took place.Table 2 presents an overview of the scales that were employed to measurethese trait motivations; the full item list is included in Appendix A.

Table 3 shows the correlation matrix of the motivational traits. To reducethese motivations to a limited number of indicators of the underlyingmotivational conflict, we conducted a factor analysis (again using thePrincipal Axis Factoring method) to extract underlying factors form theinter-correlations among the motivational items. Three motivational factorswere extracted; AppendixB shows their factor loadings after Oblimin rotation. The firstextracted factor (initial eigenvalue = 9.86; after rotation = 7.40)consisted of four of the six greed items, the ten competiveness items, andthe nine entitlement items; hence, we labeled this the proselfmotivational factor. The second factor (initial eigenvalue = 8.03; afterrotation = 7.40) consisted of the nine fear items and five of the six riskaversion items; thus, we labelled it the fearful motivationalfactor. Finally, the third factor (initial eigenvalue = 4.48; afterrotation = 7.42) included the five fairness items, the three altruismitems, the four social welfare concerns items, and the five concern forothers items; accordingly, it was labeled the prosocialmotivational factor. Note that two greed items (items 5 and 6) and onerisk aversion item (item 5) had their primarily loadings on the wrongfactor and were therefore discarded from this analysis.


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